Interview with Doctor Who actor Gabriel Woolf

Following the announcement of the upcoming episode Tales of the TARDIS: Pyramids of Mars, the BBC have shared with us at IndieMacUser a new Q&A featuring Gabriel Woolf – who has returned as the voice of Sutekh after his last appearance in the role nearly 50 years ago.


Q: How does it feel reviving Sutekh after nearly 50 years?
A: It felt sort of inevitable in a way. I’d never lost Sutekh because of the fans. They’ve kept him alive,
organised conventions all over the place, so it feels kind of natural.

Q: How does it feel knowing a whole new audience will discover the classic story of Pyramids of
Mars when it is revisited in Tales of the TARDIS this week?
A: It’s excellent; they will have the complete backstory of Sutekh so they will know how it all began.
Tom [Baker] and I play off each other and it was dramatic, it was a bit like a play. I hope it gives a
tremendous added dimension to the excitement for the finale – the fact it’s spread out over cinemas
and across the world is wonderful.

Q: What was your reaction when you were asked to come back to the Whoniverse?
A: I was over the moon, delighted and thrilled. It was wonderful. The fans have always said ‘Oh you
must come back!’, and I always said back ‘It’s not up to me!’ – and now it’s happened. Extraordinary.

Q: Did you ever think you would return to the Whoniverse?
A: No. it’s been 48 years since we did it so I thought it was pretty unlikely. It was a big surprise but a
good one!

Q: Do you think anything is different about this version of Sutekh to the one we met in 1975?
A: Well, visually certainly, and I thought there has been some development of the character – but we
do have the same classic lines here and there so he is recognisable, and he is destroying the same

Q: You’ve played another role in Doctor Who, can you explain this more?
A: Yes, the Beast. That was in The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit with David Tennant – I never
met him or many of the people, I do things in a little box on my own!

Q: What is the process when recording voiceovers? Do you imagine the finished result when
A: You are always working in a vacuum with the character in your head and using your voice. It was
only when I had a special viewing a couple of weeks ago that I could see what my voice was
matching to – it was a big relief for me to see how well it worked together.

Q: How do you hope fans will react when they see the big reveal of Sutekh’s return?
A: I would hope they’d be very excited and pleased, and that they’ll give themselves a pat on the
back as it’s all down to them that this has happened.

Q: Do you have a favourite Doctor Who villain, other than the ones you’ve played?
A: I enjoy the Daleks more than anything else, but then The Master is good… they’re all classic ones!

Q: If you could travel anywhere in time and space, where or when would you go to?
A: I don’t think I’d want to go to the origins of the universe and see how it began or anything like
that, I’m not a scientist (laughs). I love the Victorian age for literature, most of my life has been
spent in Victorian literature and poetry – but I’m mostly remembered for Doctor Who which is
funny, it was two weekends in 1975!

Doctor Who announce special ‘Tales of the Tardis’ episode

Check out our other Doctor Who content.

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