Trailer released for ‘Lego Star Wars: Rebuild The Galaxy’ has just announced LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, a “four-piece” animated special coming to Disney+ on  . In LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy, the entire Star Wars galaxy gets completely mixed up when an ordinary nerf-herder, Sig Greebling (Gaten Matarazzo), unearths a powerful artifact from a hidden Jedi temple. He finds himself thrust into adventure in a new, wondrously wild and twisted version of the galaxy where good guys are bad, bad guys are good, and the fate of all depends on Sig becoming the hero who can put all the pieces back together. Check out the teaser trailer below!

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Star Wars: In defence of the prequels

The Star Wars prequels (1999 to 2005) introduced the magic of Star Wars to a whole new generation.


For many though they were a massive disappointment that almost ruined the memory of the original trilogy.

Criticised for complex plot, bad/over acting and the introduction of characters like Jar Jar Binks, they’ve been written off by many as an irrelevant.


We at Indie Mac User are here to say that there are some redeeming features of the prequel trilogy that Star Wars fans would do well to remember.

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