The Final Sarah Jane Adventure Released Online

Former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies, the man behind the revival in 2005 and subsequent spin offs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, has released online a brand new conclusion to The Sarah Jane Adventures.

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Russell T Davies Announces The Final Sarah Jane Adventure

Doctor Who fans across the globe have had plenty to watch, interact and keep themselves entertained with over the last few weeks of lockdown due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

There has been countless episode tweet-a-longs featuring the cast and crew sharing their thoughts and behind the scenes info as well as new stories being released including the Rose prequel and sequel to coincide with NuWho’s 15th anniversary.

Former showrunner Russell T Davies, the man behind the revival in 2005 and subsequent spin offs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, has revealed another brand-new story.

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Doctor Who Rose: The Sequel Released Online

Following on from the release of Rose: The Prequel, former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies has released online a sequel to his original 2005 ‘pilot’ for the rebooted version of NuWho.

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Doctor Who Rose: The Prequel Released Online

Former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies revealed earlier this week that a long-lost “piece of history” will be released online ahead of the 15th anniversary simulcast of Rose – Davies’ original 2005 ‘pilot’ for the rebooted version of NuWho.


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