Women In Horror Month 2016! Your Top 3

Throughout the month of February here at Indie Mac User we have been celebrating the 7th annual Women in Horror Month. To help celebrate the great women of the horror genre we have been running a survey to find out who YOUR favourite Women in Horror is !!!!


Here are YOUR top 3 picks….. Continue reading

Horror Month: Interview with Ken Kirzinger (Freddy vs. Jason)

Horror Month – June 2015

We spoke with Ken Kirzinger known for his role as a Jason Voorhees in the New Line horror franchise crossover epic Freddy vs. Jason. He also had a small role in the previous instalment Friday the 13th Part VIII.  Ken has also appeared in many films & TV shows including Wrong Turn 2 & Stan Helsing as well as stunt work on films such as Watchmen, The Cabin In The Woods and the X-Men franchise.


“Playing Jason is a gift that keeps on giving”

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