Batman Forever Fans Demands Warner Bros. To #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut

With the recent passing of director Joel Schumacher, fans have been taking another look at his 1995’s addition to the Batman franchise Batman Forever.

Various sources have recently reported the possible existence of a “Schumacher Cut.” This version is believed to be darker and contain less camp than the theatrical cut. Some of the differences include Bruce facing off against a human-sized bat, the darker, more serious tone, less of an emphasis on Dick Grayson, and a focus on Bruce’s deep routed psychological issues.

Following these updates, fans have now begun a social media campaign calling for the studio to “#ReleaseTheSchumacherCut” onto the streaming platform, HBO Max.

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Director Joel Schumacher (Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, The Lost Boys) passes away

Joel Scumacher, the director of many iconic films has sadly passed away after a year-long battle with cancer, his representatives have announced. He was 80 years old.

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