Review: Doctor Who – Once And Future – Time Lord Immemorial

Review by Cavan Gilbey

The penultimate episode of Big Finish’s 60th anniversary celebrations bring us our first true multi-Doctor story of the bunch, just not with the Doctors you may have been expecting. I’m surprised it took the miniseries this long to finally get round to properly pairing up a pair of Doctors for an hour, but the choice of Nine and the Unbound Doctor does make a good bit of sense since we can celebrate Big Finish’s main bespoke incarnation alongside the man who helped revitalise the program; the reason we can really have a Diamond anniversary in the way we do. However, the excitement I felt going in to this story did feel quite misplaced as this is not the story it could have been.

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Review: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield – Buried Memories (Vol 5)

Review by Jacob Licklider

The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield is one of the Big Finish ranges which I have been following since its inception, and each set has been a gift to me in the years since. I was greatly disappointed when there wasn’t a set last year, but incredibly excited when it was announced Volume Five would not only feature the David Warner, but a big risk in four completely new writers.

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Review: Bernice Summerfield – The Story So Far (Vol. 1 & 2)

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

As one of a few celebrations of everything Benny after 20 years on Big Finish; the character that launched their empire, they have assembled some of the best of the creative team behind Benny from over the years to give us two boxsets; set throughout her story… so far!

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Review: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Vol. 4

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)


Lisa Bowerman is back once again as the universe’s favourite archaeologist, Bernice Summerfield and as in Vol. 3 she is with David Warner‘s Unbound Doctor trying to save his dying universe. But now the Doctor is President of the Universe and Benny is starting to wonder if that is a good thing or not. Continue reading

Big Finish – Doctor Who: Bernice Summerfield Vol. 3: ‘The Unbound Universe’

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

It’s another moment when Big Finish find something new to do you never would have thought of and you suddenly realise it’s what you never knew you always wanted.
Since they have gone down the road of ‘The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield’ it’s been great to see the Doctor paired with Bernice and how they have managed to keep Bernice as the central character without lessening the Doctor. But to then throw in a whole new universe from a range that hasn’t had a release in 8 years, it’s both insane and genius! 



“This really feels like an ambitious collection of stories that each work on their own but also feel like part of one bigger story that doesn’t get lost in the mix. The whole cast and crew behind this story are on their A game to say the least.”



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