Review: The Ninth Doctor Adventures – Lost Warriors

Review by Jacob Licklider

Ravagers introduced Christopher Eccleston to the world of Big Finish as the Ninth Doctor through a miniseries.  Respond to All Calls switched gears towards three thematically similar stories with the idea being the Doctor, battle scarred and hardened, is always there to help.  The third set follows the format of Respond to All Calls, three stories tied around a theme, but that theme is a little subtler and is perhaps why some people haven’t gelled as much with this set as a whole.  Lost Warriors is a title which sets up the set with a subconscious exploration of the remnants of the Time War, and that’s there, but only in the last story and in the way the Ninth Doctor is characterised.  Each story has a warrior at its centre and each is an exploration of a different reaction to a war, one from a modern human war, one from a human war in the past, and one from an alien war, while the Doctor representing the Time War in all three of the stories.  It’s interesting as the Time War isn’t really directly mentioned in any notable capacity throughout the set, it’s in the background and simmering, but not actually being the driving force of the stories.  It’s a set about other warriors and other people as a reflection of the Doctor and not a direct parallel.  Eccleston’s portrayal of the Doctor is incredibly subtle here with the trauma and in each of the three stories he is absolutely brilliant in the role.  Some have complained he is too close to Tennant, but this is an odd set where the Doctor is actually the connection to the audience which usually is the companion’s job.

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The Twelfth Doctor first series is to be released as a Blu-ray steelbook

Meet the Time Lord with the attack eyebrows, with series 8 the next series to be given the steelbook treatment! The Blu-ray steelbook of series 8 will be released 19th April 2021, featuring new and exclusive artwork.

Series 8 is the first full series of adventures with Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman returning as Clara Oswald. This series also featured Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink and Michelle Gomez as Missy, a very different incarnation of the Master.

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The Eleventh Doctor’s final series to be released as Blu-ray steelbook

Meet the Impossible girl and say goodbye to the Ponds! The Blu-ray steelbook of Doctor Who series 7 will be released Monday 14th December, featuring new and exclusive artwork.

Series 7 is the final full series of adventures with Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. This series also said farewell to Amy Pond and Rory Williams, played by Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, and introduced Clara Oswald, played by Jenna Coleman.

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Review: The Paternoster Gang – Heritage 4

Review by Jacob Licklider

The Paternoster Gang as a spin-off has suffered from a bit of an identity crisis through its first three volumes. It doesn’t know if it wants to be a spiritual successor to Jago and Litefoot or a straight out character driven comedy or a serious Victorian drama and examination of Victorian culture. The subtitle of the first four sets being ‘Heritage’ implies the later, but the first two sets don’t really examine the idea of heritage or the theme.

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Review: The Paternoster Gang – Heritage 3

Review by Jacob Licklider

The Paternoster Gang: Heritage has been a four set miniseries exploring the characters which Steven Moffat retconned as the Paternoster Gang in The Name of the Doctor and the third set to be released from Big Finish Productions is the first to actually live up to the “heritage” subtitle. Heritage 3 is three stories each taking a look at the family or society that each member of the
Paternoster Gang hails from. It’s also the first set to feel like there may actually be a story arc forming for the next story with hints of a coming apocalypse that Madame Vastra has her own little part to play on. I’d say more on that later, but it is all setup and saved for the final set which has been announced and will be released later this year with a special guest appearance which I will not spoil here. Continue reading

Review: The Paternoster Gang – Heritage 1

Review by Michael Goleniewski

Victorian London harbours many secrets: alien visitors, strange phenomena and unearthly powers. But a trio of investigators stands ready to delve into such mysteries – the Great Detective, Madame Vastra, her resourceful spouse, Jenny Flint, and their loyal valet, Strax. If an impossible puzzle needs solving, or a grave injustice needs righting, help can be found on Paternoster Row. But even heroes can never escape their past…

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Review: Doctor Who – The 8th Of March

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

To celebrate International Woman’s Day and remove any excuse to not remember the date, Big Finish celebrate the women of the Whoniverse from both old and new versions of the show. Each story taking place on 8th March. Continue reading

Review: Doctor Who – The Churchill Years (Vol. 2)

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

I think I said this then I reviewed vol. 1, but Ian McNeice’s Churchill was already perfect. How does he then keep making it better? However he does it, he has outdone himself again in this 2nd audio volume of Churchill’s Doctor Who world adventures from Big Finish.

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Review – Doctor Who: The War Doctor Vol 3. ‘Agents of Chaos’

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

See our review of The War Doctor: Vol 1: Only the Monstrous

The really impressive thing about the War Doctor range (yes apart from getting John Hurt to do it, the amazing scripts, wonderful directing and music) is the fact that each set whilst following a through-line has its own unique feel and theme. Agents of Chaos is no exception. The idea of having people and items that add a wild card to an already chaotic universe beset by the Time War is inspired.
978-1-78575-191-2 Continue reading