Review: The Lone Centurion (Vol. 1)

Review by Jacob Licklider

With David Tennant joining Big Finish in 2016, and the recent return of Christopher Eccleston in a series of four box sets, the New Series representation at Big Finish increased; yet Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor has thus far been relegated to Short Trips and The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles due to only Alex Kingston’s participation in Big Finish. However, an announcement of a two volume spin-off following the Auton Rory Williams while he guards the Pandorica in a now deleted universe brings Arthur Darvill back to the worlds of Doctor Who in a release that nobody was quite expecting. Rory Williams is one of those characters which you really don’t know what to expect, often taking a back seat in episodes and only given companion status by the start of Darvill’s second series in the role. Rory is essentially comic relief and on the surface relegated to supporting roles, so The Lone Centurion is something which doesn’t actually have anything to go on in terms of what it can accomplish, complicated by the fact that as an Auton Rory is more difficult to kill as this takes place in between The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang. The premise is intriguing: the Pandorica has gone missing meaning that Amy has gone missing, and Rory is attempting to find it, shenanigans ensue. Continue reading

Review: Torchwood – Aliens Among Us (Part 3)

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

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Review: Torchwood – Aliens Among Us (Part 2)

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

Torchwood return for the second of their outings set after the events of Miracle Day (check out our review of Part 1 here). This set fleshes out the characters introduced in the first boxset and the larger new Torchwood world and deepens the plot with the new Alien menace. Continue reading

Review: Torchwood – Aliens Among Us (Part 1)

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

*Warning – contains some spoilers!!*

Torchwood is back… again! This time we join the team in present day as Captain Jack (John Barrowman) leads a new Torchwood team from the ashes of the old. Gwen Cooper is still with him, but maybe not as you remember her. Ok be warned, here on out some spoilers will be unavoidable.

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